Influencing unwritten laws in Swaziland - I am somebody’s daughter Marriage Today we look at how we can influence unwritten laws in Swaziland when it comes to marriage under Swazi traditional practices. Under customary marriages, a woman is expected to cry during her wedding, and as such, she is motivated to cry through verbal attacks (insinuations or insults). Unfortunately, the insults are unregulated; anyone can say anything. In short, it is part of our culture, so it can be argued successfully that it is our culture to insult women when they are being married and that it is our only way of doing things when we marry under custom. Therefore, it would be difficult to tell people to discard it. The reasons for the prerequisites of crying when a woman is being married the traditional way vary from area to area. Some argue that it needs to be known that you have arrived in the homestead, and your announcement is through the shedding of tears by screaming so that even the neig...
A gender equal society benefits both women and men!